Trail & Ultra Running Coach

- UESCA certified ultra running coach

As a coach I want to inspire and educate people on how to become the best they can and encourage people to push themselves to limits they may not consider possible. I love running and the places, both mental and physical, it takes you. In my opinion Ultra-running dismantles all stereotypes. You should never underestimate the person you see on the start line of an ultra, nor should you judge them on their physique, age, gender, or the type of gear they wear. In my experience Ultra-runners have the mental fortitude to concur mountains, and rediscover limits and with the right guidance, there is no stopping us.

As a husband and father to a toddler, I know how precious time is, therefore I endeavour to work efficiently and effectively with my athletes, so they can reach their goals within the parameters they are working. In doing so it most importantly must be enjoyable, fulfilling and freeing.