- Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy)

Since 2008 I’ve worked across both the public and private sector and have gone on to complete my Grad Cert in Continence and Pelvic Health, and I’m currently completing a Masters in Continence and Pelvic Health. I’ve also completed further training in Women’s Health, the Female Athlete, pessary management (conservative management of pelvic organ prolapse) and strength and conditioning.

As a mother of four children - including triplets - during my pregnancies and postpartum recovery I have suffered with incontinence, abdominal separation and prolapse issues. With a love for exercise, I have realised first hand how important pelvic health and strength are. My goal is to empower woman in reaching their goals, be that returning to running or strength training after having children, overcoming prolapse symptoms and incontinence, having pain free intercourse and everything in between. I place emphasis on education, exercise, mindset changes and stress management strategies to allow women to live life to the fullest.